OceanBarefoot is JOSCAR accredited, giving you peace of mind and quality assurance from the outset.
JOSCAR is an accreditation system, set up by ADS and Hellios, for the aerospace, defence and security sectors. It’s a cross-sector collaboration solution which reduces the time, cost and resources and duplication needed to provide information to major customers.
Since we’ve satisfied all the requirements to become fully compliant on the JOSCAR supplier accreditation register, all clients working in the related industries and beyond, can be confident that OceanBarefoot is a readily approved supplier, which means they have peace of mind from the outset, and we can get to work with them much sooner.
The Benefits to our Clients
This means that our future clients can choose to engage with us, safe in the knowledge that:
• there’s no need to invest time and money in checking out our credentials
• we meet the high standards of quality and performance that the industry expects
• we’ve already proven ourselves when it comes to everything from health and safety and IT security to environmental sustainability and product safety and quality
Now that we’re registered with JOSCAR:
• we have an online profile that we can maintain and update throughout the year
• we can demonstrate our specific capabilities, and credibility, to interested parties
• we have easier access to the markets represented by ADS
The Sky’s the Limit
Now we are registered with such a prestigious organisation, we’re looking forward to making contact with new clients, not just in the aerospace, defence and security industries, but other industry communities and multinational companies.
If you’d like to talk to us about some of the projects we’ve already undertaken for clients, or you would like to discuss a future project, get in touch with Natasha French, our Marketing Manager, on natasha.french@oceanbarefoot.com or call us on 020 8390 0035.